Saturday, 16 November 2013


 Opening the door to my “home” is like opening my heart to all the happiness my world has ever known.  Waiting inside is an invitation to the warmest wishes and the highest hopes anyone will ever know.  Love lives in its fullest and most beautiful form in the space that surrounds us.  When I’m with you, I’m in a place that embraces me with open arms and keeps me close forever.

Few people on earth could understand the worth of this treasure to me.  But you are a man who understands so much about what love should be.

There are words that only we can say, smiles that only we can inspire and dreams that can only be shared between two people who cares …..… the way we do!.  What we share is so essential to everything that makes my world work out the way I want it to.  We share something that is stronger than any storm, that is beautiful and caring and warmth that is supportive and trusting and sweet, Wow!!!

Our love is something our HEARTS and our HAPPINESS will always Treasure and Keep.………..

Love is two people, smiling, trusting, compromising, respecting, sharing, holding hands and caring about each other.  Two souls, held within one another’s hearts.  Two paths, converging on the way to the same beautiful view.  Love is walking the way and sharing the days……... together.  Love is opening up to one another.  Sharing thoughts and feelings in a way that never felt as comfortable as before.  It is a complete trust, sweetened with a lot more understanding and communication than most people will ever know.

Love is two hearts that share and which are able to say things that no outsiders ever could.  Love is an inner door that only partner has the key to.  Love is a gift, continually giving joy, and it’s something always count on.  It is strong and supportive, and few things in the entire world ever compare with the HAPPINESS that comes from its wonderful bond.

Loving you is my very own DREAM come true!

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